Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Australian Real Estate Attracting China

Australian Real Estate Attracting China
As a matter of fact, many countries around the world rely on China for their economy in spite of being resource rich themselves. Since the Chinese demand is getting lower gradually, it is a bad news for the economic strength of these countries. Australia was also about to be added in this list of unfortunates when mines were getting shut in China causing Australian Mine Workers to lose their jobs. But there was something else that interested the Chinese.
Australia’s appreciable education system and better living standards lured the Chinese to see a better future in the country. Thus, Chinese are ready to spend in Australia by sending their students to good Australian Universities, importing the Australian food and investing more and more in Australian Real Estate. In fact, since 2010, the Australian investment has grown up to ten folds. Sydney, Melbourne or any other big cities are having at least half of the next apartments owned by the Chinese. Comparing to the last year, this year the Chinese investment in Australian Real Estate has doubled. In addition to that, it has been triple to what it was in US last year.

With a dream of a better future in Australia, Chinese are more and more interested in Australian property which certainly good for the Australian economy especially in current times. Thus, China’s interest in Australian Real Estate is certainly a boon, unless of course, the whole China decides to shift to Australia which might cause some problems. For more information on this and other Australian Real Estate updates, keep following us.

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